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enterprise news

Mr. Chen Gang, Head of Jiangsu Sports Bureau, visited Junxia with his deligation

El 7 de diciembre de 2017, el Sr. Chen Gang, Jefe de la Oficina de Deportes de Jiangsu, junto con la Sra. Chen Jing, Secretaria del Comité Municipal de Pizhou, vinieron a Junxia para una visita de investigación.


Mr. Chen Gang, Head of Jiangsu Sports Bureau, visited Junxia with his deligation

Congratulations to the grand opening of Jiangsu Plusx Health Technology Co., Ltd.

The opening ceremony of Jiangsu Plusx Health Technology Co., Ltd. was held in the sports industry park on the morning of July 18, 2017. The ceremony was attended by Chairman Mr. Heng Siyu, General Manager Mr. Sun Junke, and Business Director Mr. Li Peng.


Congratulations to the grand opening of Jiangsu Plusx Health Technology Co., Ltd.

Académico e industrial win-win / Jiangsu Junxia y la Universidad de Shandong llegaron a una cooperación estratégica


Académico e industrial win-win / Jiangsu Junxia y la Universidad de Shandong llegaron a una cooperación estratégica

Una visita de la encuesta a Junxia realizada por la redacción de Xuzhou Sports Bureau


Una visita de la encuesta a Junxia realizada por la redacción de Xuzhou Sports Bureau

Junxia company received the “Outstanding Contribution Award of Jiangsu Manufacturing”

On 22nd March, the conference of Jiangsu Manufacturing Industry was held in Nanjing. On the conference, Jiangsu government commended a number of outstanding enterprises, units, and individual in the industry development. Junxia company received the “Outstanding contribution Award of Jiangsu Manufacturing”, as well as honored the Technology Demonstration Enterprise. According to our knowledge, Junxia is the only enterprise from the sports equipment trade in Jiangsu that has received this award.


Junxia company received the “Outstanding Contribution Award of Jiangsu Manufacturing”

Our CEO Mr. Heng Dunjian was honored as Outstanding Enterpriser of China Sports industry.

On Feb 28th, 2017, the 8th Member Representative Conference of China Sports Association was hold in Shanghai. The purpose of the conference was to honor the leading enterprises, promote communication, as well as development of the trade. Jiangsu Junxia participated this event along with hundreds of other leading sports manufacturers.


Junxia successfully listed as the National Sports Industry Model Enterprise in 2016.

Recently, the National Sports Bureau disclosed the selection result of National Sports Industry Model Enterprise, National Sports Industry Model Manufacturing Base, and National Sports industry Model Project. Junxia excelled all the other domestic sports product manufacturers and was successfully listed as National Sports Industry Model Enterprise in 2016.


New honors / Junxia had a stand-out at the Pizhou Summit Meeting

2016 was not an easy year for Pizhou. Under the perplexed macro environment, and along with the people of Pizhou, Junxia overcame various difficulties and contributed to the strong opening of the city’s 13th Five-year Plan.


Junxia was honored as National Model for Enterprise Culture Construction


Management is the root, Quality is the soul —- Junxia and Haomai 2016 Annual Round up Meeting completed successfully.
